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The Most Common Tactics Used by Burglars in 2021

Just how safe is your home? Could burglars possibly be targeting you? Here are the common tactics used by burglars.

Intruders and burglars are everywhere, including Cape Coral. This is not to say that you need to live in fear, it simply means that the more knowledgeable and prepared you are, the better.

In this blog, we will make you more aware of the tactics that burglars use and how you can reduce the chances of your home being targeted.

Tactics Used by Burglars

You might not realize it, but most burglaries occur during the day, generally after 10 am and before 3 pm. The reason for this is that there’s a higher chance people won’t be home, including kids. What’s more, there’s less chance of being spotted by neighbors.

In the end, burglars in Cape Coral don’t have elaborate plans in place, they simply look out for opportunities to break in.

Here are some of the common tactics they will use to enter your home:

  • Break a first-floor window
  • Enter through a backdoor or interlinking door in the garage that’s left unlocked
  • Enter through the front door that’s been unlocked (you’d be surprised by how often this happens, especially with smart locks)
  • Stand on a shed or storage unit to gain access to second-floor windows
  • Enter through the basement

Burglars don’t really need any fancy equipment to get into your home either. Most intruders carry around a pry bar, lock picking tools, and sometimes even ladders. Very often, they don’t need to carry around ladders because homeowners tend to leave them outside the house anyway.

Some intruders even carry around dog treats to gain the trust of your pets before they break into the house.

If you want to make your home more secure, it’s essential to focus on the areas mentioned above first.

Homes that are Prime Targets

Next, let’s look at the homes that are most at risk of being broken into.

Intruders looking to get into a home will look for a few key indicators that people aren’t home, including:

  • A backlog of mail. If you will be away, get someone you know to empty your mailbox. The same applies to any packages you’re exp3cting while you’re away.
  • Trash cans. If your trash cans are sitting on the sidewalk for several days, this is a clear sign that an intruder can easily enter your home because you’re not there.
  • Untidy lawns. If your garden looks like it hasn’t been tended to in quite some time, your home might become a target for burglars. The same applies if the outside of your home is in disrepair, such as a broken fence.
  • Social media. If you’ve been posting about your upcoming two-week vacation and anyone can see that post, you may be putting yourself at risk of theft.
  • A lack of security. Lastly, if your home has little to no security features in place, it becomes an obvious target. This includes proper fencing, security cameras, and good outside lighting.

Protecting Your Cape Coral Home

To make your home safer, start by evaluating your current security measures as well as the overall condition of your property. What improvements can be made to make your home looked lived-in and safe? This could be anything from keeping hedges trimmed to installing a security camera at your front and back door.

Next, you should have a plan in place for if you plan to be away from home for more than a day or two. Make sure that there are no obvious signs that you’re not at home. If you haven’t introduced yourself to your neighbors and gotten to know them, now is the ideal time.

If you need any assistance with a security audit and the installation of new locks or other security measures, contact us on +1 239 349 2245.
